Today is World BACKUP DAY!
In the history of the IT the 1st. of April is a well-known date.
So the 31st. of March has become the World Backup Day!
The day we in technology remind ourselves and our clients of how important
it is to back up our data.
Due our particular expertise, we tend to do this much more often than once per
year, but will take this annual excuse to do it and to encourage our clients do
it yet again!
And now?
let's wish you and your lovely ones a safe and healthy
Happy Easter!
IN any case you
need our support – feel free to call us anytime:
0715 331 654
This offer is guilty for all orderings on 1 of our products
till 18th of April, limited to 1 order per customer!
Your team from
Bilia Kilwake, |
Annette Opondo |
Rudi Marquardt, |
Anthony Gakuya, |
KenITSol co. Ltd. brings safer IT solutions to east-Africa.
Bilia Customer
Care & Support |
KenITSol co. Ltd. Nairobi - PO-Box: 1121-00300 |
Kenya: KenITSol co. Ltd. / 00300 Nairobi / phone: 0715
331 654
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