FREECOM Data Recovery Services
Avoid losing your data indefinitely when our hard drive has crashed

There is always a possibility that your computer's hard drive or your external hard drive may crash. A hard drive crash would mean that you lose all data that is stored on that drive. Imagine your digital photos, your music or video collection, your important documents. All gone!
With our Data Recovery Service/Anti Datastrophe System ...

... a hard drive crash is not the end of the world. Even if your computer does not recognize the hard drive anymore, the data usually is still present on the drive and thereby might still be recoverable in our laboratory. Registering for our Data Recovery Service means a safe feeling for you. For a period of 3 years, you have the right to one data recovery of your hard drive in case it has crashed.

Freecom continues their innovative roots by introducing Data Recovery Services!
What is it?
This unique retail box provides the end user with an insurance policy for their data. They insure themselves that if by an event their hard drive crashes the data will be recovered for free. There will be no additional cost for porto or a new drive to store the data on. This is not a software product, their HD, Computer or Laptop, will actually be recovered on platter level.
This service is not only for Freecom Hard Drives but also for competitors like LaCie, Iomega, WD. But also for PC vendors like HP, Fujitsu Siemens, Dell Apple etc. The market is for this proposition is huge!
How does it work?
It is really simple
- End user buys a retail box at a Freecom business partner
- End user registers their HD online using the unique ID No in the box
That is it, your data is ensured.